
My name is Emma, I’m 29 and from the UK. Since November 2015 I have suffered gastro problems and I wanted to share my experiences with others. On my own searches through the internet I have found so many mixed stories- most of them negative. I want to give a different side to the story. With gastro problems there are so many causes that pinning one down can be difficult.

Generally my experiences with NHS staff have been outstanding. Some GPs I’ve found can be blasé, but most are amazing. The nurses in hospital are also fantastic, I can’t praise them enough.

I have read a lot about holistic therapy for Helicobacter Pylori – however I have NOT gone with any of these – it is good old fashioned science and following Doctors advice for me.

However this is my own personal experience. Everyone is different and their bodies work differently. Please do not take my word to mean what I experienced will happen to, or work for, you.