2 weeks on… update

So two weeks on from completing my H-Pylori treatment, I went back to the Docs. He had asked me to follow up anyway, and also I was having very bad back pain (lower back, like period cramps), on and off nausea, and wee-ing a LOT.

A quick test ruled out any kidney infection, which to be honest, I’d been pretty sure was the problem!

I asked if he was going to test to see if the eradication therapy had worked and got rid of the H-Pylori – and I was very surprised when he said No. Its ‘s a bit galling – after 8 months of being ill, I kind of want to know if the treatment has worked!!

He says the back pain is likely to be bowel spasms and it should settle down. The oral thrush, he says, should clear up by itself (and it has now improved in the three days since the appointment).

So where are we at?
Well, I’m still having lower back pain especially when sitting, which I am going to go with as bowel spasms – let’s trust the Doc again. It has reduced since last Friday, (a week ago) when it started, as has the wee-ing.
I’m feeling nauseous on and off, not the huge waves of nausea like before. However I’m also getting anxiety (which I get anyway) so hard to tell if the nausea is related to that.
I don’t have much appetite – especially not for sweet things.

BUT I am drug-free. No Omeprazole. No Lanzoprezole. No Gaviscon or Rennie. I’m not just eating milk and cereal. Some things are good.

My stomach and insides have been through a lot, the mucous lining broken down, now being remade (hopefully) probably an ulcer, acid production being up and down. And it’s been for 8 MONTHS. So I’m just riding it out and will see where things go. So far, I don’t have any upper stomach pain, which to me is a good sign. I should probably look after myself better and rest up – so my body can heal itself. I’m just not too good at that!! 😉